Hip Pain

I’m having pain in my left hip. It may be related to deep gluteal tension causing pinched nerves. Also my pelvis needs realignment as I broke my tailbone as a child. My chiropractor has identified an extra vertebrae in the pelvic region. I understand that the...

For Sylvia

Hi there. Have a Healing request for my 3 1/2-4 year old cousin, Sylvia. She has leukemia and after going through chemo and attempt at bone marrow treatment, which didn’t take, they retested biopsies and found the very rare NUP 98. They are hoping for a...

Support my TT healing for my best friend , Val

One of my Hp’s and best friend has recurrent pancreatic cancer. We beat this once for 2 years! But now it has returned and there is also a liver lesion. I feel I need help, more TT healing hands to help me help her. Help me turn her heart from ❤️‍🩹💜 to 🤍❤️ and...

Cancer metastasis

Please help Ann Marie, a brave soul, a hopeful woman. She needs help in the hard journey through advancing cancer. Her beloved husband needs love, too. They have asked for nothing. They go about their lives with grace. Thank you for each time I’ve requested...